Tagged: organic

Organic September logo with an Organic September graphic and a close up of grass in the background

It’s Organic September

We’re excited to join the UK’s largest organic celebration – Organic September! This month long campaign, lead by the Soil Association is all about showcasing the joy, fun, and celebration that comes with choosing...

close up of some pink roses. Photo credit Karolina Bobek on Unsplash

Every skin’s coming up roses

How rose skin care benefits even sensitive skin One of the most beautiful things about spring and summer is the sudden blooming of roses. From the wildest dog rose to beautifully cultivated English roses and...

eco living plastic free products

Plastic Free Products for your Home

Going plastic free at home can be easier than you think. There are some small changes and swaps that we can all make in our homes to reduce our plastic waste and help protect...

tea farmers

The People Behind the Products

Fairtrade ensures better prices, good working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Fairtrade companies pay sustainable prices (meaning they never fall lower than the...

cup of coffee

Cafedirect – Mayan Gold

Cafedirect is the UK’s largest 100% Fairtrade hot drinks company. All their products carry the Fairtrade mark meaning they are guaranteeing a fair and stable price to 38 grower organisations across 12 developing countries...