The Sun’s Out…

Everyone Rush Outside!

I honestly didn’t think we were going to see hide nor hair of the sun this summer (and as I’m writing this blog most of the UK is in the middle of a heat wave but the Lake District most definitely isn’t!) and so eating Al Fresco just wasn’t going to be an option.  But in true Brit fashion, we’ll put the weather aside to host a massive family BBQ later on this month.

Holkham Galvanised Barbecue – £40.00

First, the BBQ itself. We’ve got a built in BBQ in our garden which I’m pretty sure will need scrubbing clean but as we’re inviting large numbers we need some additional cooking space.

It’s really tempting to buy a couple of those throw away BBQ’s (guilty in a past life) but they’re just so wasteful – both cash wise and environmentally too, so it’s better to invest in something which can be used time and again.

The Holkham Galvanised BBQ is just the job, super strong, made to last and portable too.

BioRegional HomeGrown FSC Certified Charcoal 3KG – £7.95

Next, the charcoal. In all honesty, I haven’t ever given charcoal much thought and generally just picked up a bag from wherever I happen to be. But I’m chuffed to have found that as with almost all things we can buy, there is an ethical charcoal alternative!

Bioregional Homegrown Charcoal not only reduces carbon emissions by 85% but also is FSC certified which is great as well managed forests and all the creatures that live within them are definitely a top priority and it’s great to know that a small change in my own buying habits can help preserve them. The 3kg bag is £7.95 and comes with some great reviews too.

Bagasse Compostable Plate – Medium (50 Pack) – £7.95

Plates. As you may imagine, we don’t normally do throw-away in our house, but I already know that I won’t want to be bothered with piles of washing up, dishwasher stacking and cleaning up after our summer family shin dig, so this time, disposable plates it will have to be.

The Bagasse Compostable plates are great. They may not be the prettiest outdoor accessory but they won’t get broken, they’re really durable and most importantly they’ll make the clearing away very easy.  And because there are 50 of them in the pack, any spares can be used by the kids to decorate!

Moving onto the outdoor space, the lawn will be mowed, patio cleaned and chairs and table re-varnished (good job we just do this once a year!)

Our back garden starts to get darker at around 5pm as the sun sets over the front of the house, so we need a few lights adorning the fence and stuck in the lawn to keep it light and make it pretty.

These are my favourites …

Garden Globe Light – Murano Sunset – £21.95

I absolutely adore these Murano Sunset Globe Lights, I think they’re definitely a little bit extra special. The glass globes are unique because each one is hand blown using traditional skills (you may want to prevent the children from playing ball games right next to them!). The bright white LED bulb powered by a solar cell will produce a really beautiful effect as the sun sets over the party. £21.95.

Colourful Butterfly Light Set – £24.95

If like me, you haven’t got any plants that attract real butterflies to your garden, these pretty ever changing butterfly lights will are really add a lovely touch to an outdoor gathering. They’re solar powered by a separate panel and super sweet. £24.95.

Nicola Alexander is the founder of and lover of all things ethical.

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1 Response

  1. dawnvsmith says:

    Please put some butterfly attracting plants into your garden.

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