Category: Sustainability

Morsbags Guerilla Bagging

Morsbags Guerilla Bagging

Move over environmentally unsound polyethylene carrier bags and ‘I am Not a Plastic bag’ eat your heart out – although designer reusable totes are eco-friendly and very chic indeed, there’s a new fad on...

A Jumbo Recycling Effort

A Jumbo Recycling Effort

How Ethical’s post on Worn Again designers recycled bags posed the question of what exactly we should be doing with old and disused aeroplanes; a concern which became even more poignant with the recent...

European Bat Weekend!

European Bat Weekend!

Yes that’s right, this coming weekend (30-31 August) is officially European Bat Weekend. So tear yourself away from your allotments, or from the big screen version of everyone’s favourite Bat, and get involved with one...

Where does all our recycling go?

Where does all our recycling go?

The UK is the Dirty Old Man of Europe. We send more waste to landfill than any of our European neighbours. Did you watch Bill Bryson last night on Panorama? I recorded it on...

Summer Holiday Time!

Summer Holiday Time!

David Cameron’s antics have been hitting the headlines again this week, but unfortunately for him perhaps, it hasn’t been due to political successes, more due to the holiday he is taking. Rather than jetting...