Image of the sea with a a whale and and some text saying happy world ocean day

World Ocean Day 2024

June 8th is World Ocean Day, a worldwide day of recognition for the important role the ocean plays in our society and ecosystem. Coordinated by the UN, events are held in more than 140 countries – from lectures and film screenings to petitions and beach clean-ups – aiming to further awareness and engagement in the issues surrounding the marine world.  

The theme for 2024 is Catalysing Action for Our Ocean & Climate. 

Why it matters 

The ocean plays a crucial part in life on Earth – maybe in more ways than you realise.  

The rainforest is sometimes called “the lungs of the planet”, but the ocean may have a better claim to this title. More than half of the world’s oxygen is generated by marine life, with phytoplankton doing the lion’s share of the work. 

The sea absorbs a significant amount heat from the sun and spreads it around the world, a process called the ocean conveyer belt. Any changes in temperature, sea level and salinity risk disrupting this delicate process.   

Plastic waste is also a rapidly growing problem. 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the ocean every year, and it’s increasing entering the marine food chain, posing a serious risk to wildlife. Together with the depletion of fish populations and destruction of coral reefs, it’s never been more important to look after our oceans. 

How you can help 

There are many ways to participate in World Ocean Day

  • Find an event near you. If there aren’t any, start one yourself – anyone can do it. Sign up on
  • Sign a petition. It’s a great opportunity to get people united for a common cause.  
  • Consider your own environmental impact – is there a way you can reduce your plastic use or energy consumption? Every little helps.  
  • Tell people about it. Even something as simple as a social media post can help spread the word and get people involved.  

How we’re helping 

In recognition of World Ocean Day, we’re offering 20% off all plastic-free products in our Cleaning & Household and Beauty & Wellbeing departments, so it’s even easier to make sustainable, affordable choices.

The offer begins Monday 3rd June and ends at 23:59 Monday 10th June. Together we can make a real difference. 

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