Monthly Archive: June 2007

Green babies

Green babies

Let’s start the day with a cute picture of a baby. This is baby Hannah, the new offspring of two very good friends of mine who popped into the world (6lbs 11oz -fact fans!)...

Recycling Guide

Recycling Guide

At last! An answer to some of the world’s biggest recycling mysteries! This hardcore recycling guide is from Confessions of a Closet Environmentalist, a blog all about the attempts of a couple of environmentally...

All the filth, none of the fury

All the filth, none of the fury

So, after five days of typically variable British weather, I returned home in the early hours of yesterday morning sunburnt and coated in mud. With Glastonbury Festival over for another year, the only thing...

Bamboo bikes

Bamboo bikes

Next Saturday, the 7th of July, is the start of the 2007 Tour de France. This year the event starts in London before crossing the channel and heading south to Marseilles. 3 weeks and...

And then there was mud…

And then there was mud…

Well, as I said in my last post, my no mud predication was slightly inaccurate. Yesterday we were mocked by the weather gods for a third festival in a row, as the heavens opened,...

Waterproof tents and other such myths…

Waterproof tents and other such myths…

So, my enthusiastic no mud proclamation yesterday may have been a little premature, given that the weather system hanging over Somerset right now hasn’t got a clue what it’s doing. After being sunburned yesterday...

Moths Count

Moths Count

Numbers of moths in the UK have been in decline since the 1970’s. Some species have seen a fall of up to 90%. Moths Count aims to encourage interest in moths throughout the UK...