Green Creativity Pressed Flower Art
Product code: 322338
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Product Description
Get creative, and recycle fallen flowers and leaves into beautiful pressed flower arts and crafts. All of the extra materials your children need to make a variety of objects are included in the box. Create things such as trinket boxes, greeting cards and bookmarks to give to friends or to keep for yourself.
Suitable for 5 years +.
Product Ethics & Tags
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ReviewsVerified product owner
A lovely gift, reminds me of my childhood!
1 Questions
Anonymous asked this question on 26th Nov 2023
Q: What’s included in this? Is it just the flower press of is it also materials to make trinket boxes and cards?
A: Hi there,
Thanks for your query. The contents of this are as follows: Flower press cover and base (10cm X 10cm), corrugated cardboards, white blotting paper, plastic screws and wing-nuts, trinket boxes, cards, envelops, bookmarks, brush, glue, ribbon, double-sided adhesive tapes and detailed instructions.
I hope this helps!
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