Ethical Superstore Reward Points

As a simple way of saying "thank you" for supporting our ethical shopping community, we give you Reward Points for shopping with us.
How do I collect Reward Points?
Receive 5 points for every £1 you spend and 10 points for every product review you submit. Points are worth ½ pence apiece which means every £100 you spend earns you 500 points worth £2.50. We’ll also be running occasional Reward Points promotions such as double points and points offered in conjunction with offers from our ethical service partners.
How do I redeem Reward Points?
Every 3 months, we will email you a cash voucher and unique code for the points earned during the previous 3 months, along with details of how to redeem it.
What are Reward Points conditions?
Each quarterly Reward Points voucher is valid for one month from date of receipt and must be redeemed during this period. Your voucher has a unique code which is valid for one use only. Voucher codes issued by may be used in this scheme - only one voucher can be redeemed per order. Reward Points vouchers can only be redeemed directly at and not via other third party sites; including cashback sites. Vouchers can be redeemed on the website at the Checkout page and may be used in addition to a promotional code. We can’t accept any responsibility for lost or deleted gift vouchers. Loyalty vouchers are sent by email and may get caught in spam filters and it is up to the recipient to check these filters. We can’t take responsibility if a voucher cannot be delivered to the recipient’s email address because of spam filters, firewalls, the capacity of the recipient’s mailbox or any other factors outside of our control. If you return goods, we will reduce your Reward Points balance – as such we will wait 30 days after a transaction before Reward Points qualify for reward vouchers.
Will I be alerted when I have Reward Points to spend?
We email customers when there are Reward Points issued and added to accounts. We will also email customers who have Reward Points which are soon to expire. We are only able to email customers who are subscribed to our marketing emails. If you would like to receive alerts when you have Reward Points to use please ensure you are subscribed to our marketing emails. To do this log into your account and go to ‘Marketing preferences’ and ensure the Marketing Emails are selected.
How do I check my Reward Points balance and voucher details?
Login to your account and follow the link to view your Reward Points balance, as well as to see the details of your active vouchers.
What are the complete terms and conditions of Reward Points?
Click here to view the complete Reward Points terms and conditions.