COVID-19 Update
What we are doing to reduce risk
Placing your order
Essential items and stock levels
Our delivery partners
At this uncertain and worrying time we want to let you know that we are doing everything we possibly can to help our customers, whilst keeping our staff safe.
We would like to assure you we are still open and taking orders. We are receiving a high number of orders which means deliveries may take longer than usual. We currently expect standard delivery orders to be received within 5 working days (we are reviewing this daily while the pandemic and lockdown continues). If you would like your order delivered by the next working day we are now able to offer our next day delivery service again, please select this in the checkout when ordering.
A big thank you to our warehouse staff
We are hugely grateful to our warehouse staff for all their hard work to keep orders going out the door. Not only are they picking and packing your orders, but with more stock coming in they are also making sure it gets sorted and put away as quickly as possible. Every member of staff has gone above and beyond at this unprecedented time and for that we are so thankful.

What we are doing to reduce risk
- All staff who are able to work remotely from their homes have been provided with the necessary equipment and connectivity to support this.
- All staff are continuously briefed on the absolute necessity to remain at least 2m apart from any other individual and to wash hands regularly for at least 20 seconds in keeping with government advice - NHS posters have been displayed in kitchens, washrooms and on notice boards throughout the buildings.
- Hand sanitiser is available from several dispenser units positioned throughout the buildings.
- Any staff still working on site are regularly cleaning and disinfecting their work areas.
- Areas such as door handles and banisters that are touched regularly are being cleaned every 1-2 hours.
- Gloves are available to staff to wear while on site.
- If someone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, they will be sent home and advised to follow the UK Gov advice -
- Floor markings have been made in the main footfall areas to support the 2m distancing guidelines and to assist employees in maintaining the required distance.
- All site visits by colleagues and contractors have been cancelled and communication has been made to our essential suppliers (such as carriers) to ensure they have their own preventative policies in place and that they understand our expectations of them when they are on site.
Placing your order
We are now able to take orders over the phone as well as accepting orders placed through the website.
Essential items and stock levels
Our delivery partners
On the delivery options page we have a field to leave special delivery notes, please make sure you add any additional information to the driver here. If you are self-isolating please make this clear here so the delivery driver can take appropriate action.
DPD Deliveries (Next Day and DPD Pickup)
DPD services are running as normal. There is now in place a contact free delivery process to include photo capture proof of delivery. You will not be asked to sign handheld units and their drivers will take a photo of the parcel at the point of delivery. This will form the proof of delivery system for deliveries until further notice.
DPD are doing everything possible to support their staff and are sharing advice and updates with them on a daily basis.
For the latest information from DPD (all next day and DPD Pickup deliveries) please visit their update page:
Hermes Delivery (standard delivery orders)
Hermes are encouraging all our customers to choose their preferred safe place for deliveries by following the Track & Divert link in the parcel notifications we send. If a safe place hasn’t been chosen but there is somewhere safe to deliver the parcel, Hermes will leave it there, even if there’s someone in the property – they will take a photo which will be included in the delivery notification email. If no safe place is available or a signature is required, Hermes will knock on the door and step aside making sure the parcel is delivered safely rather than being left outside. If there is no answer, the parcel will be returned.
For the latest updates from Hermes (standard orders) please visit their update page:
Now more than ever it’s important to be kind and caring to each other, and to not forget those who are in need. Check your local food bank is open and donate if you can - there are so many families who will need to rely on this service right now. Pick up essentials for elderly relatives and neighbours or those you know are self-isolating and might not have anyone else to help them. Most importantly follow the governments guidelines on self-distancing to keep you and everyone around you as safe as possible.