FSC Certified FSC Certified Products by Bloomsbury

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Bloomsbury Publishing, established in 1986, is a leading independent publishing house. Their distinguished authors have been honoured with Nobel, Pulitzer, and Booker Prizes. The company's mission is to be a creative, entrepreneurial, independent publisher of excellent and original books, audiobooks, and digital content. They aim to bring these works to a global audience with the purpose of informing, educating, entertaining, and inspiring readers of all ages and backgrounds.

Bloomsbury Publishing is dedicated to fostering a lifelong love of reading and learning, contributing to the development of a reading culture with societal benefits. In addition to their commitment to literature, they actively care about the environment. Bloomsbury is engaged in initiatives to maximize the use of sustainable resources, reduce carbon emissions, and introduce eco-friendly practices across all aspects of publishing. Their efforts extend to minimizing consumption and promoting sustainability throughout their operations.

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