New Year Detox with Ethical Superstore

It’s the second full week back at work for most of us, and while it may be half way through January it’s not too late to start that ‘New Year Detox’ or your new healthy lifestyle, you know what they say ‘New Year, New You!’

You may have gone a bit heavy on the drink during the last few weeks of December, and let’s be honest you definitely went heavy on the food (the food is my favourite part of the festive period!) Now it’s really time to get back to normal lives, give your liver and stomach a rest, maybe even think about getting a bit fitter and shifting those few pounds gained over the period. Now I know it’s a daunting thought, I’ve never been an active person and I really love eating chocolate so the thought of getting fit sounds impossible to me but today I found out that inactivity is twice as likely to kill you than obesity, so I’m going to try really hard this year. The study by Cambridge University suggests as little as 20 minutes brisk walking a day will help, but if you’re planning on a complete lifestyle change then maybe we can help you.

There have been conflicting views over detox diets and whether they actually work or not. The general consensus is that a simple ‘detox diet’ won’t radically change your life, but changing your eating habits and adding in a few cups of detox tea will no doubt make you feel less lethargic! We have a great Detox Box from Creative Nature which provides healthy ingredients to be included in your normal diet, it’s no juice or water fast and it’s not meant as any kind of meal replacement. The products included in the box have been chosen by nutritionist and author Sarah Flower for their natural detoxing and cleansing properties, so it’s a great start to that New Year detox!

Health & Fitness

282595-bamboo-strappy-top-modelChances are you know that a good diet is key to staying healthy, I’m not here to patronise and be condescending. I will tell you though that we have a wide range of Health & Fitness products from low fat rice and pasta if you’re looking to lose weight, to protein and hemp powders for those serious about fitness, along with organic and Fair Trade clothes for working out. Improving your diet can also mean cutting out or reducing intake of certain foods, for instance eating less dairy can help you to lose weight and stay healthy, and it can be as easy as simply switching to a milk alternative – there’s a great range to choose from, almond, soy, coconut, oat and hemp to name a few! You’ll find more and more dairy free food products on the market these days as demand increases.

Switch to organically grown fruit and veg too, it’s much better for the environment and there’s no chance of any kind of residues from pesticides being present – you can get organically grown produce sent right to your door from places like Riverford.
Homemade is also a much better option than processed! You can make your own nut milk with the Soy Milk Maker from Soyabella, have some delicious fresh juice on a morning with the Matstone 6-in-1 Juicer from Juiceproducer and now you can even make your own Yoghurt with our new EasiYo Yoghurt Maker, with a massive range of flavours available for all tastes – you can make up to 1 Litre of yoghurt at a time
Do any of your New Year’s Resolutions include a lifestyle change? Let us know in the comments below!

And don’t forget to visit the voucher page to see how much you can save this month on Ethical Superstore.

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