The Register Green Computing Debate

The traditionally incompatible worlds of computing and the green movement have, in recent years slowly started to sidle up to each other, and are set to become quite keen bedfellows. With everyone from IBM to Apple taking steps to green their organisation, and more and more people realising that those promoting the green cause may actually have a point, Green is clearly big business in the world of IT.

Against this backdrop of technological eco-awareness, The Register are running their first Green Computing Debate tonight (February 27th). It aims to “give you the chance to find out how the great Green rush is going to affect you”. You will have the opportunity to have your say about the movement, and find out what the options are for making your tech more eco-friendly.

The whole thing takes place online tonight at 6pm, and you can register for free here. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, we’ll be keeping an eye on the whole thing, and summarising the main findings tomorrow.

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3 Responses

  1. matt says:

    Excellent post! I’ll check back later for your recap as I’ve missed watching it.

  2. Simmons says:

    Awesome blog – I’ve added you to my (green) blogroll. I’d appreciate it if you linked back.

  3. Adrian says:

    Hey just stopping by to get my dose of green info. Always good stuff here! Love it. I know I have mentioned this site before but I think they are pretty cutting edge so I wanted to share this page:

    I was hoping that someone could drop me a link of other reports that might tell us about how much time is left before we can’t fix global warming? has a pretty could article here but I want some other opinions. Man just think how the bad will be if we don’t prevent this. EarthLab has quite a few tips on how to lower your impact, here is a spot where they list what their readers recommend:

    Thanks a lot for all your info and drop me a link if you guys see anything on these subjects.

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